This colorful mural in the classroom at Two Hives Honey was commissioned as both a piece of art and an educational tool to help explain the importance of supporting flowering plants that bloom at all different points during the year (and not just springtime wildflowers). I worked with the owner of Two Hives to pick flowers for the mural that provide nectar and pollen for bees during all four seasons in Central Texas. Nectar is what bees use to make honey, and honey is their main food source. So the more flowering plants the bees have access to throughout the year, the more honey for them and us ;)
Two Hives honey is an amazing local business in Austin that sells delicious raw honey and beekeeping equipment. They also offer tons of cool classes and tours for people interested in bees, and function as an important resource for the Central Texas beekeeping community. Please check them out if you’re interested in learning more about bees and their crucial role as pollinators!